Local rules Hoebridge course

The Club Committee have approved the following local rules for The Hoebridge Course.

A. Aeration Holes

If a player's ball lies in or touches an aeration hole:
(a) Ball in General Area.
The player may take relief under Rule 16.1b. If the ball comes to rest in another aeration hole the player may take relief again under this Local Rule.

(b) Ball on Putting Green.
The player may take relief under Rule 16.1d.

But interference does not exist if the aeration hole only interferes with the player's stance or, on the putting green, on the player's line of play.

Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule:
General Penalty (Loss of hole in match play or two penalty strokes in stroke play) Under Rule 14.7a.

B. Out Of Bounds (Rule 18.2)
The following areas are defined by the Committee as ‘Out of Bounds’ on the Hoebridge Course:-
1. Beyond the external boundary fences and hedges bordering the General Area of the Course, and beyond the white marker posts to the left of the 1st and 2nd holes.
2. The whole area of the clubhouse beyond the course side edge of the internal fence located to the left of the 10th tee and hedges - enclosing the putting green & starters hut, extending to the first stand of trees.
3. The area beyond the course side edge of the fence adjacent to the short game practice area located to the left of the 18th hole.
4. Beyond the tree line at the rear of the 18th green adjacent to the Car Park.
Ball at rest OOB – Relief must be taken under rule 18.2.b

Internal Out of Bounds – MLR A-4

  1. During play of the 10th hole, the area beyond the line of white marker posts located at the back of the green, this line being extended between the blue posts located on either side of the 17th fairway marking the near edge of the public footpath crossing that fairway.

    This internal OOB line is NOT in play when playing any other hole.

  1. During play of the 12th hole – beyond the white posts marking the footpath to the rear of the green.
  2. During play of the 13th Hole – beyond the white posts marking the footpath to the right of the fairway.
  3. During play of the 14th hole – Beyond the white posts marking the line of the footpath to the right of the fairway.

  1. During play of the 17th hole the area beyond the line of white marker posts located to the right of the 17th fairway and extending around the dog leg, across the Public Footpath to a point adjacent to the stand of trees located between the 10th and 17th fairways.

    This internal OOB line is not in play when playing any other hole.
    Ball at rest OOB - Relief must be taken under rule 18.2.b

C. Abnormal Course Condition (Rule 16.1)
The following are defined as Abnormal Course Conditions on the Hoebridge Course:-
1. Immovable obstructions –
b) All fixed sprinkler heads.
c) All artificially surfaced roads and paths within the general area of the course.
d) The public footpath running between the blue marker posts on either side of the fairway on the 17th hole.
e) The Members Memorial Garden located between the rear of the 8th green and the 12th tee.
f) The posts holding the bells on the edge of the 7th, 11th and 17th fairways including the area of artificial matting or artificially surfaced standing area immediately below the bells.

The player may take free relief under Rule 16.1b.

2. Ground under repair
Any part of the course the Committee defines from time to time to be Ground Under Repair, whether by marking it or otherwise.

The following areas are currently so defined:-
a) All locations in the General Area, enclosed by white line markings, the extent being defined by the outside edge of the white line marking.
b) The newly constructed bunkers and their immediate surroundings positioned to the right and left of the 6th green.
c) The newly constructed bunkers and it’s immediate surroundings positioned to the right and left of the 16th green.

Areas b) and c) above are also declared No Play Zones and free relief must be taken from these areas in accordance with Rule 16.1b. by using the nearest marked ‘Drop Zone’(DZ).

Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule:
General Penalty (Loss of hole in match play or two penalty strokes in stroke play) Under Rule 14.7a.

3. Staked Trees
The young trees identified by stakes holding the trunks are no play zones:
• If a player's ball lies anywhere on the course other than in a penalty area and it lies on or touches such a tree or such a tree interferes with the player's area of intended stance or area of intended swing, the player must take relief under Rule 16.1f.

Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty Under
Rule 14.7a

D. Preferred Lies – MLR E-3 from 12/10/24 until further notice
When a player’s ball lies in a part of the general area cut to fairway height or less, the player may take free relief once by placing the original ball or another ball in and playing it from this relief area:
• Reference Point: Spot of the original ball
• Size of Relief Area Measured from Reference Point: 6 inches from the reference point, but with theses limits:
• Must not be nearer the hole than the reference point, and
• Must be in the general area.
In proceeding under this Local Rule the player must choose a spot to place the ball and use the procedures for replacing a ball under Rules 14.2b(2) and 14.2e.
Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule:

General Penalty (Loss of hole in match play or two penalty strokes in stroke play) Under Rule 14.7a.

Club Committee
Rev 2nd February 2025

Local Rules Shey Copse

# The Club Committee have approved the following local rules for The Shey Copse Course. *


If a player's ball lies in or touches an aeration hole:

(a) Ball in General Area.
The player may take relief under Rule 16.1b. If the ball comes to rest in another aeration hole the player may take relief again under this Local Rule. But interference does not exist if the aeration hole only interferes with the player's stance or, on the putting green, on the player's line of play.
(b) Ball on Putting Green.
The player may take relief under Rule 16.1d.
Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule:
General Penalty (Loss of hole in match play or two penalty strokes in stroke play) Under Rule 14.7a.

B) OUT OF BOUNDS (Rule 14.4) *
The following areas are defined by the Committee as ‘Out of Bounds’ on the Shey Copse
Beyond the external boundary fences and hedges bordering the General Area of the Course, including the fence bordering the Driving Range; beyond the white marker posts on the right hand side of the 3rd fairway and on or over the artificially surfaced path to the rear of the 9th green.

The following are defined as Abnormal Course Conditions on the Shey Copse Course:-

1. Immovable obstructions
a) All fixed sprinkler heads.
b) All artificially surfaced roads and paths within the general area of the course.
c) Descriptive Signs for each hole located adjacent to each tee.
The player may take free relief under Rule 16.1b.

2. Ground under repair –
Any part of the course the Committee defines from time to time to be Ground Under Repair, whether by marking it or otherwise.

The following areas are currently so defined:-
a) All locations in the General Area, enclosed by white line markings, the extent being defined by the outside edge of the white line marking.

These areas are also declared No Play Zones and free relief must be taken from these areas in accordance with Rule 16.1b.

Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule:
General Penalty (Loss of hole in match play or two penalty strokes in stroke play) Under Rule 14.7a.

Revised 28th July 2021 Club Committee